Thursday, September 02, 2010


I really did wanna blog more in August, but I forgot that August always throws me for a loop. But that's ok...because it's September!!!!! My favourite month of all. There's so many things I love about September, and I'd like to incorporate them into Lisa's Skrap N' Chat blog challenge for this month....

The Top Ten Reasons I Love September.
(Note: the inspiration for this blog came faster than the scrap mojo, so I don't have any new layouts to share. So instead, this one will be illustrated with a collection of old layouts. Hope ya don't mind).

10. August is over. As I mentioned earlier, August is not my month of choice. Work gets busier, the Boy and I get more stir crazy, and my rational decision-making ability suffers (oh, suuuuure I can do night shifts during the week...I'll just sleep when Don gets home!) I've learned not to make any big decisions in August. My hair still hasn't grown back since last year.

9. It's a short month. Time goes faster, and you enjoy it more. I like short things, being one myself!

8. Delicious fall flavours. My funky friend out west actually just blogged about why she also loves September (great minds think alike...and fools seldom differ!) and she reminded me of a few things I'd forgotten about. I'm a big fan of pumpkin pie latte myself!

7. Historical significance. I think September was dampened for all of us about 9 years ago, so this may sound strange...but the date September 11th brings back in my mind a different year and a different memory. It was actually the date of me & my high school boyfriend's anniversary, and I had long decided before adulthood that September was my favourite month because of September 11, 1994. Unfortunately that person passed away in an accident in 1997, and though we had already broken up, I still continued to hold September the 11th close to me.

6. New beginnings. Let's take it back to the lighter side again. Though January is the first month of the year, September really feels like the month where everything starts up again, like school. As a kid I didn't care for school, yet September was the month it was the most enjoyable. All your supplies were new and shiny and you hadn't had a chance to get sick of your classes or scared of your teachers yet. It was actually a welcome change. And as someone with a school-age child...I must say it's a relief to have my days back again (love ya Tonesy!)

5. Fall colours. Though the frigid dead of winter and the stagnant heat of summer always make me miss the west coast, one season the Ottawa area has mastery over is fall. There are so many gorgeous kinds of trees out here and you would not believe the colours they turn once the temperature drops overnight from 35 to 10. And it all begins in September.

4. The perfect weather. Everywhere I've lived, September is my comfortable month. Don tells me I only have about a 4 degree range of comfortable temperature, and whether or not this is true, September has it right. It begins with in summer clothes, but for comfort, not necessity. And out here, it generally ends in longsleeves with or without a light jacket. The air always seems a little bit fresher when the temperature is on its way down.

3. The beginning of the holiday season. September is the month of looking forward to things. Stores start stocking Halloween and Christmas items, and though some complain about this, I just take the feeling of festivity from it and enjoy. We've got Halloween coming up in October, Thanksgiving in October AND November if you're lucky enough to post on an internet forum with both Canadians and Americans and join in the spirit of gratitude twice over, Remembrance Day in November, and of course Christmas in December. So many holidays all in a row...and for some of us, September itself holds more special days to to celebrate!

2. My one and only child was born in September. He was due on the 27th, and like about half our family, we figured he'd come in October. But 9 days early, Antonio made his arrival as the first September birthday in our family! And one of my favourite Mom duties is the maker of cake and the planner of parties. I often start fantasizing about birthday cake ideas as early in the year as I start fantasizing about Halloween costumes! I had already long established September as my favourite month, but Antonio being born in it was the icing on the cake.

1. September 2, 1997. Between 1994 and 2002, aside from the sensory and aesthetic reasons, there was one more big event that re-affirmed September as the best month ever. It was the first day of my second year of music college and I had already lost my purse. There was only one other student in the hall of the music wing at 9 a.m. who I could ask to borrow a pen and paper to make a "missing" sign. This guy's name was Don, and this was the beginning of how my life got to be what it is today. We were dating 2 weeks later, married 9 months later, and are still together. I can't even begin to describe how awesome he has made my life.

And it all happened in September.


Kirsten said...

awesome post again Kim!! thanks for sharing

Suzanne said...

What a fun post and thank heaven for lost purses eh?!

Cathy W said...

Wow - I so understand why you love September! TFS!

Anonymous said...

Loved how you incorporated your layouts into your Top Ten List! :)

Anonymous said...

Love how you incorporated your layouts into your Top Ten list!

Vanessa said...

great post! i luv september too!