Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 is off to a fantastic start

And I mean that seriously. I just found out yesterday that as of January 23rd I am going to full-time nights at work, in my regular house, for the next year, and I couldn't be happier. Perhaps it seems anti-climactic considering how excited my cryptic Facebook update was yesterday, a level of celebration women normally reserve for announcing their newly discovered pregnancy or recent lottery win, but this is a big change for me in the right direction. Granted I was already happy at work with my part-time rotation and frequent on-call shiftwork, but this will bring consistency into my life, not to mention weekends. I love my regular house and am happy that for the next year my shifts will be all there. Except for the days I get moved (and I'm sure it'll happen. That's what I get for being feeding tube and diabetic trained).

So now the biggest challenge is re-booking my vacation time with only 2 months before Disneyworld. Hopefully they'll be able to work something for me, considering I had my original vacation time booked way in advance, but my hours are a wee bit different now and I'll need more of them off. But like Don always says, this is a high class problem. If my new awesome job conflicting with my Disneyworld vacation is the biggest of my worries, I really have nothing to complain about in the grand scheme.

Many scrapbookers adopt a new "word of the year" in January. I like to see where the year goes before choosing a "theme" word...some of mine have been Create, Inspire, Balance and Harmony. Last year's was definitely Gratitude...and I would like to start out this year with a lot of it. I have been praying about this position ever since I heard the regular person was thinking about leaving, but didn't want to make it one of those "give me what I want" prayers. I knew I would be a great fit but am always uncomfortable acknowledging that I'm the best at anything even when I actually might be...it feels like setting myself up to be proven a phony. So I prayed that things would unfold they way they're supposed to and for no anxiety regardless of what happens. It's just so nice when God's plan works out they way you were hoping your own would.

If anyone is out there, thanks for listening and letting me share some of my joy with you. Have a blessed 2011 and may your hopes and wishes be made possible in it.

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