Alllllll riiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This has been a spectacular week in the scrap department. First of all, the announcement was made yesterday that I have landed a spot on the Kindred Creations Guest DT for the months of October to December (Thanksgiving through awesome is that?!)
And THEN...I just officially found out that I've also made the Scrapbooking Cafe Design Team!!! Holy wow, this has been a wonderful ending to follow yet another 13-hour workday!!! Except of course that I got the call yesterday and since had to wait till this morning to hear the message...but I can't really whine about anything right now, can I?
Last weekend the new Scrapbooking Cafe in Gatineau finally opened and of course I was there. I have to admit I got the impression from the owners I'd already made the team but I never speak before anything is official. I think it was pretty cool that the announcement was made about both DT's on the same day. My scrapping friend Lynne also made the Scrapbooking Cafe team so we'll be on it together...I'm psyched! I think we both are!!!
With these new positions, plus picking up shifts with my casual job, plus being in the church choir, it does appear that I'm taking on a lot all at once. But really, it isn't any more scrapping than I'd already be doing...only now it'll be with kits, and while my LO's wait for me to sort them into albums, they'll be on the LSS walls instead of in a pile on my sewing desk. I think I can do this!
I think I'll try and put together a last-minute birthday card today for a party this afternoon...and I'll probably end up posting my first October challenge on KC tonight at midnight...can you tell I'm excited?!
Here's those Trading Pages pages I was putting together the other week. In an interesting coincidence, the girl I made these for is the OTHER KC Guest designer for October-December!