Saturday, July 01, 2006

It's still Canada Day for the next 27 minutes

Today was, in hindsight, an awesome day. We babysat Don's friend's boy this morning, and he & Tones always have a blast since they see each other every day at daycare too. Then the 5 of us walked to the Canada Day thingy in downtown Ottawa. I've already made it clear what I think about crowds, but for some reason it didn't get me down today. I think they're more tolerable when you go in expecting them. Also when you have people to talk to it eases the tension. I don't get nearly enough social activity in my life.

Anyway we sat on the grass for a bit, walked through that park the Tulip Festival is always held in, Antonio painted the hubcap of a Volkswagen van, then we came home and went for a swim out back. Then Don made a delicious dinner of what I assume was taco poutine, and I even had time to scrapbook before the fireworks started. That page is not quite ready for posting here, but here's one I made yesterday for an Effer dare:

To top it all off, we were half expecting it to rain all day, but it held off till about an hour after the fireworks ended. Very sweet. I gotta say, this five-day weekend has been so relaxing on my nerves. Don and I actually had 2 dates this week!!! We both had Friday off but Antonio still had daycare, so we went to a yummy Chinese buffet and saw Superman Returns. I miss having this kind of time with him always, because the less time you have the more of it has to be spent talking about stuff you hafta instead of stuff you wanna. But now with 2 people at work...I'm hoping we'll have more of these kind of opportunities!

1 comment:

MaraMay said...

Love your list girl! LOVE that picture!!!! So cool you have a blog now too! Whoo-hooo!!!!