Sketch #108
Sketch #109
Sketch #110
What is it about summer that makes me wanna use sketches and scrap Christmas layouts? Not a clue. Anyway I did something surprising...I actually went out and found that rumoured LSS across town and guess what, it was actually open!!! Even though it had been over a year since I last had a really good browse thru a LSS, I was a good girl and stayed almost entirely within the 50% off boxes...that's how long it's been, that the stuff in the clearance bin was actually newer than most of my current stash! Of course I stocked up on adhesive too...can't get enough. Found some awesome double-sided tape that's working beautifully. The ladies were very nice and sweet and we had a great time debating Glimmer Mist...they still didn't totally convince me it's as great as they claim. I did try a few of their suggestions and it did work slightly better but I still think chipboard is the only thing it makes prettier than it messes up. Anyway thanks for looking, gotta run! Sweet dreams~